12:33 AM
Away with the Silence

It's been very long since I've last posted anything. However, I think I shall revive this blog and start again once more. Just added the music player with my composed songs and songs that I have sung. A Link has been added - Lyrics to Songs - which will link to another blog containing the Lyrics. Yup.

I Thank God for sustaining my life thus far, and Thank God for all his wondrous blessings upon me. Truly Life has been wonderful and God's direction for me in life has been clearly laid out before my eyes. May I be found faithfully serving Him in all areas of my life.

To God be the Glory, Amen.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Testimonial
Being Christian in a Non-Christian World
My Plea to Non-Believers
Lyrics to Songs
Hymnpod - Traditional Humns Podcast - Christopher Tan

Welcome to my blog, I'm Luke and I started this blog to pen down some of my thoughts regarding what I believe in as a christian. In no way am I attempting to prove that I am superior in terms of knowledge.

For whatever you may disagree upon, or think is unright, please raise it up at my tag-board. I will answer what I can to my utmost best.

To contact me, you can send me sms through this number 93767336, or email me at sqxluke@gmail.com.

Feel free to use any material I have posted on my blog. * Note that not all posts here are mine.*

I hope through this blog may I be able to strengthen believers and bring non-believers to christ. Do pray for me. God bless you all.

Your faithful friend